Friday, 4 March 2011

Welcome to Reviews from the Volt

First post for the Blog; this will be a collection of reviews of whatever I'm watching on DVD. I'm not pinning myself down on specifics of style but my DVD collection is, well, let's just say it's extensive and I usually have 'watching evenings' 3-4 nights a week plus occasional weekend viewings depending on how much real life I have to catch up with.

Science fiction and fantasy are favourite genres, as are various crime genres... and they can be from practically any time in the last 40+ years as I love 'classic TV' too.

I'll be starting us off with a few reviews from the last couple of weeks where I've recently returned to Season 4 of Miami Vice... I hope you enjoy...


Please feel free to disagree (the reviews are just my personal opinion after all) or correct technical points - all constructive criticism welcome. I also accept praise if you actually like what I've written :)